Like I said, I'm Matt.

That's me. Ok, the picture is over a decade old. I'm bald now. I'm not trying to catfish you or anything, so chill. This is an author bio, not a dating app. I also go by Matthew, if you'd prefer. Some people call me Mo or Pete (just some old nicknames, long story).
My full name is Matthew Don. I was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona, and, outside of a few years in New Jersey and Texas, have lived in the Old Pueblo my entire life. In the real world, I'm just a working stiff who has held a wide variety of jobs, including a 7 year stint as a flight attendant and a 2 day stint at a bowling alley. I enjoy trying out different hobbies and spending time with my family, like my two nephews named Luca and Kai!
Like most writers, I started writing to impress a girl. It didn't work, but at least I found a hobby I enjoy. My first book, A Celebration of the History of Celebrating History, was published in 2015. After a long hiatus, my brother, Chris, wanted me to work with him on a story for his two children. Thus, The Adventures of Luca and Kai was born.
Anywhoooo, feel free to message me on Instagram or TikTok with any questions or concerns, or if you just want to say hi!